Join Us. Let’s Start A Movement
We are a group of 5; all runners but all dedicated to exercise as a path to overall health- mental and physical. With one member possessing a talent for design and high tech knitting the group began to act to create a active wear clothing line that covered all the bases. The constant customizing of what people wore to workouts-rolling up sleeves, rolling down waist bands, pushing up pant legs, and so on said satisfactory fit and function did not exist. The best combination of high visibility and great style wasn’t available. And because we sweat we must have moisture wicked away. Personal Habitat to the rescue!
While we do ourselves good by exercising we can also do good to others. That’s why Personal Habitat is also dedicated to supporting mental health research particularly the sound and solid work being done by One Mind ( One Mind supports and champions brain and mental health research, interventions, with a goal of solutions for all brain illnesses.
Personal Habitat is starting here in Grand Rapids. It’s local. That’s important. Personal Habitat is committed to connecting with every locality in which its products will used. Join us. Let’s start a movement: A personal movement and a public movement. Make what you wear and how you exercise your own personal habitat . Then let’s all help make a place that becomes a comfortable and secure mental health personal habitat for all.